Laser Hair Removal

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Unwanted hair on the face and body can be a hassle to maintain. From shaving or removal creams to waxing, traditional hair removal methods only provide you with temporary solutions. You also run the risk of ingrown hairs getting infected and becoming extremely painful. However, with laser hair removal, you can effectively treat all areas of the face and body with minimal discomfort in a couple of treatments without dealing with unwanted hair ever again.

Using an innovative Soprano Laser technology, our medical spa aestheticians can treat you in as little as 10 – 30 minutes, depending on the treatment size and coarseness of your natural hair. This pain-free treatment is suitable for all skin types and can have you back to your regular routine with minimal downtime.

Book your laser hair removal treatment with a member of the professional team at Skin & Bodyfresh Med Clinic + Day Spa today!

Our Services

Skin & Bodyfresh Med Clinic + Day Spa is pleased to offer a selection of luxurious treatments for the face and body. 

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